ETC at ACL Institute


Join ETC at ACL Institute

We will be providing specific content for teachers of elementary and middle school Latin.  Look for the track “Younger Learners” in the Program and on the Sched App. Be sure to grab the K-5 and 6-8 stickers on this year’s badges. Tweet out session takeaways on social meeting with the tag #ETC2024 and @etclassics


Excellence Through Classics is happy is announce this year's ACL Institute Offerings as follows:

Open Meeting Recommended Sessions | Sponsored Sessions | Goosechase Game | Raffle | Survey

Open Meeting

This year's ETC Open Meeting will be happening both virtually in Zoom and in person at ACL Institute.

During this session, ETC Leadership will present the "State of the ETC" and ask stakeholders what support ETC can offer to best support stakeholders and further the profession. Attending the Open Meeting also allows members to shape offerings for the upcoming year, get early access to next year's programming dates, and to network with colleagues.  Click here to access ETC Open Meetings materials presented @ prior ACL Institutes.

Recommended Sessions

Click here to access a list of Recommended Sessions (virtual and live) that appear in the track for "Younger Learners."

Sponsored Sessions 

As in year's prior, ETC is offering several virtual and live events focused on elementary and middle school teaching, including a Pre-Institute session (live), a sponsored session led by the Calliope Awardee, a Pedagogy Roundtable Discussion (live and virtual), an Open Meeting Session (live and virtual), and a Social Hour (live) to express our thanks to the ETC Volunteers who are attending Institute. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Pre-Institute Workshops

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Catching Them in the Middle: Reading with Them in the Middle (Live and Virtual); Presenter: Nava Cohen, Northwestern University and Brad Savage, Flint Hill School, Oakton, VA

Friday, June 28, 2024

Session 6 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Pedagogy  Round Table Discussion (Live); Presenters: Nava Cohen, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL;, Chair, Exploratory Latin Exam; Cynthia Swanson, The Westminster Schools, Atlanta, GA.

Friday, June 30, 2023

5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.

Excellence Through Classics Open Meeting (Live and Virtual); Presenters: Jenn Jarnagin, Traci Dougherty, and Nicole Wellington

6:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.

Excellence Through Classics Volunteer Social Hour

Goosechase Game

Make your Institute experience more interactive by joining in a digital scavenger hunt. To play the Goose Chase, download the FREE app to your smartphone and join the fun using the game code. The Goosechase game will be open from June 28th until July 1st at 8 pm CST. Winners will be announced the follow day via social media.
Join any team using on the goose chase app or site using the game code: 


ETC will also be running a virtual prize raffle throughout the Institute. The Raffle form will open on June 26th and remain until July 1st at 12 pm MST. Raffle winners will be drawn daily at 12 pm MST and announced via ETC's social media account. You can earn raffle submissions throughout institute by: 

  • attending live and virtual ETC sponsored sessions (one raffle entry per session)
  • completing the ETC Institute Survey
  • visiting the ETC table in the exhibit hall
  • posting a tweet of an ETC session takeaway with the tag #ETC2024 and handle @etclassics 

A password will be listed on the final slide of our sponsored sessions, the final submission screen of the survey, and at the table. Photos of last year's raffle items are at the bottom of the page. Nota Bene - Get in as many entries as you can, but you can only win once. 


We value your opinion! Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey about your experience with the ETC offerings at Institute. Your feedback is essential in shaping our offerings at Institute and throughout the year. The Institute survey will open on June 26, 2024 and remain until July 17, 2024 at 12 pm MST.  


Click here for ETC materials presented at the 2023 ACL Institute.