ETC Live, a program by Excellence Through Classics, offers exciting webinars and resources to bring the ancient world to life.
Engaging lectures, captivating demonstrations, and performances explore a wide variety of Classical topics. Everything from Minecraft in Latin, to building Roman catapults, and delving into the secrets of Pompeii can be found in the ETC Live collection! First launched during the pandemic, ETC Live is now in its fourth season of offering enriching experiences for high school and middle school students. ETC Live videos make great sub plans, JCL activities, or fun extension lessons for students!
Subscriptions to access the ETC Live library are $36.00 for non ACL members and $30.00 for ACL members and can be purchased by visiting your profile page. (If you are not a registered user on the ACL website, you will need to register a user account.) Please make sure to sign into your ACL account to receive your membership discount! Subscriptions are yearly and expire at the same time as ACL memberships (August 31st). After purchasing a subscription, teachers will receive an email with instructions on how to access the library of past presentations.
Watch a sample video from Magister Craft on Rome's Blood and these resources on Athena to see what ETC Live is all about!
Sample Video Playlist
Contact etclive@etclassics.org if you have any questions.