Petrino Award



Brielle Barlow

Shreyas Karnam

San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Harker Middle School






This middle school award was named in honor of an incredible young Classicist, Julia K. Petrino. Her Latin teacher, Lauri Dabbieri, wrote, "Julia K. Petrino was a most extraordinary middle school student whose love of Latin was not only infectious but unequalled among her classmates. When Julia began Latin in the sixth grade, she consumed every morsel with delight. Between her sixth and seventh grade years, Julia was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease. Deciding that she would not let her treatment interfere with her study of Latin, Julia followed her class on a homebound basis for two years. She loved all aspects of the material: grammar, translation, culture and history. Even when she was at her weakest, she always finished every assignment with exacting diligence. Julia passed away just before her eighth grade graduation, in 1999. She is still missed by all those who knew and loved her. It is our hope that her love of Latin can be shared with other middle school Latin scholars for many years to come". In her short life she won Athena Award for artistic achievement, was posthumously elected to the National Junior Honor Society and was named a Presidential Scholar. Friends, family and her own Latin teacher wanted Julia to be remembered for her indefatigable courage in her fight against cancer and her dedication as a student of the Classics. This award is given to middle school students who show this same passion.

The ideal Petrino candidate makes an impact, whether that be in their own school, as a member of JCL, as part of a digital community or by providing content. They have dedication and engage with Classics regularly outside the classroom. They have interest and create Classically inspired work in any form. The student's interest in Classics should span multiple years. Any student grades 5-8 who has taken the Pegasus Exam is eligible with no score requirement. The student does not need to be part of a Latin or Greek class. The student is recommended by whomever proctored their Pegasus Exam - teacher, tutor or parent.

Initial Nominations - March 15 to April 21

Finalist Submissions - April 29 to May 21

Winners will be announced live at ACL Institute, and email results will go out to all applicants shortly after. 



View the rubric used to evaluate Petrino Award applications (last updated as of Spring 21-22).

To complete the ETC MEDIA RELEASE FORM, please click here.

To view prior recipents, click here

Petrino Award Application