Excellence Through Classics

Engaging  · Teaching  · Cultivating


About ETC

Founded in 1989, Excellence Through Classics (ETC) is a standing committee of the American Classical League, dedicated to promoting and supporting elementary, middle school, and introductory classics programs. We inspire and educate young learners to explore and celebrate the Latin language and Greco-Roman literatures and cultures, while supporting teachers and the teaching of Classics.


Guiding Lights: Past Chair Members

This list honors extraordinary educators who have shaped ETC into a vibrant and respected voice for classical languages. Their unwavering dedication and innovative vision serve as an inspiration for future generations.

Past Chairs List


Building the Legacy: Former Executive Committee Members

ETC thrives thanks to the countless members who have served on the Executive Committee. These individuals dedicated their time and expertise, providing invaluable guidance and enriching the organization with their diverse experiences. We recognize and appreciate the vitally important contributions that these past Executive Committee members have made.

Former Exectuive Committee Members List


Pioneering Spirits: Charter Members

ETC proudly acknowledges its charter members. These individuals joined at the inception, fueled by a shared passion for fostering classical language learning in the United States. Their leadership and vision laid the groundwork for the thriving organization we know today. We extend our deepest gratitude to these pioneers, and to everyone who has contributed to ETC's journey.

Charter Members List